Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Week 7- When It Rains...

You know that saying, “when it rains, it pours?”  I’m pretty sure in my case the saying goes more like, “when it rains, it pours, and then it floods.”  This week has thrown us, especially me for quite the twist.  We knew with Owen there could always be setbacks, but he has defied all the odds and beat all of those setbacks.  As for me, I’m pretty sure I’m at my quota for setbacks and craziness that life offers, at least that’s what I thought.  If there is some crazy defy the odds illness that I may possibly get, I’m going to get it.

About two weeks ago I started getting some insane hurtful arm pain.  My shoulder, bicep, and thumb were hurting and at times numb and tingly.  I thought I probably pinched a nerve or slept on it wrong.  A week went by and we went to the urgent care and got a referral to a neurologist and physical therapist.  A few days later I got a rash on my hand that turned to some blisters.  Now I was having insane arm pain, eating ibuprofen like it was candy, and now had this weird rash/blister thing on the side of my hand.  Any guesses as what it could be?  Well, if you guessed that a 26-year-old girl got shingles then you are correct! That’s right my friends, I am a walking talking case full of shingles.  The best part of this is I am now quarantined from seeing Owen until I am not longer contagious.  My poor little guy definitely does not need chicken pox on top of everything else he has had to go through, hence my quarantine. 

So here I sit, for most likely a week or more from seeing Owen.  A week of him growing and lying in that open crib alone as wonderful and amazing nurses watch and take care of him. As if it wasn’t bad enough not feeling like parents because we literally visit our son, feed him at times, give him lots of kisses, and change his diaper now and again.  But now as his mom, I get to see him through Skype, make calls all day long in order to make sure he is doing okay and still on track for coming home.  I am super grateful and blessed that Chase can come over a couple times during the week to see him, hold him, and give him kisses for the both of us.  I know we have been so beyond blessed and have seen many many miracles, but I’m human and currently I am not a fan of my current situation. I'm upset and frustrated and so so tired. Tired of dealing with all the physical, emotional, and mental pain. I feel as if I've been drowning in water and the lifesaver is being thrown to me but gets pulled away from me a little more everytime I reach for it. I would not wish this situation or shingles on anyone. I chuckle because I literally thought I was catching a break, we are so close to coming home, but life had other plans it seems.

I know it hasn't been all bad and I know we have been blessed this week in spite of everything.  Owen has not spiked any fevers and the doctors and nurses have not seen any sign that he was infected. He is still thriving like our little warrior always does. Other blessings from this week include me getting to come home to Burley to our new home and help Chase unpack and set up the house.  Chase got promoted back in December to the Burley At&T store.  He was supposed to start the day before Owen decided to come into our world.endedneded up starting the beginning of January and he and my amazing aunt and uncle helped pack and move everything from Twin Falls to Burley. Between Chase working so hard from open to close, and coming to Boise to visit us he hasn’t gotten around to unpacking the hosue. Plus, he knew I would most likely end up moving everything and rearranging when I eventually got here.  So for a couple days I decided to come over here to Burley and help Chase unpack the house and start making it a home.  I also got to get Owen’s nursery ready. I’m defiantly grateful for the distraction  but still break down and struggle not getting to see and hold Owen.  Chase has been such a trooper dealing with his emotional and crying all the time wife and then building all the furniture for the nursery and going to work to help provide for us.  He has so much faith where I lack and he has been so strong for the three of us.  I can’t tell you enough how grateful I am for him.  He loves me so much, he only got to watch the last quarter of the superbowl so he could bring me home. For those that know him you know this is a big deal!  I honestly don’t know how I got so blessed. I sure  hope and pray this week goes by fast and these dang shingles disappear.  This mama needs to see and hold our sweet handsome little warrior, being apart is no good for any of us.

Now that I have thrown my pity party, complained, and ranted all about me, let’s get to the good stuff with the highlights of Owen.

Highlights Week 7:
  •    Weight: 2301 Grams or 5 lbs. 1 oz.
  •    No More Feeding Tube- as longs as Owen continues to eat at least 36 ml of food every three hours then he will no longer have to have the feeding tube and we are that much closer to being home.
  •    Back on Home Oxygen:  Owen has been hanging in the high 80’s low 90’s for oxygen.  They decided to put him on home oxygen which is 1/16 liter of oxygen flow so he doesn’t have to work so hard.  We will most likely go home with that 1/16 of flow for a bit until he can maintain in the 95+ range for oxygen.  We don’t mind working with his oxygen as long as we get to bring him home!
  •    Bradycardia Spell:  Owen was taken off of his caffeine about a week ago.  On Sunday he had a spell where he stopped breathing and his heart rate dropped and he had to be stimulated.  Silly boy you need to remember to breathe.  Because of this spell it adds another five days to our hospital stay.
  •    7-10 days from going home! – as long as Owen doesn’t have any more of those bradia spells, he passes the car seat test, and as long as my shingles disappear, then Chase and I will get to room in next week! Rooming in is like a practice run for when you are home.  We will take a cpr class, learn how to use the home oxygen and monitor, and then basically sleep in our own room at the hospital and practice like we are at home with Owen.  We will finally get to wake up every three hours for feedings and changing of diapers and crying and all that fun “normal” stuff that parents do! I never thought I’d be so excited to lose sleep, listen to a crying baby, and change dirty diapers.  I know, I know, ask me in a month and I’m sure my thoughts may change, but as for now this is something that I couldn’t be more than thrilled about!

I can’t tell you how beyond exciting it is to see the light at the end of this long and dark tunnel! It’s been a tough week knowing we are so close to going home and then I am the one that sets us back with these dumb shingles that only old people are supposed to get.  We are so close and we couldn’t be more anxious and nervous and happy to be done with our NICU journey.  I’m sure when we get home within the next two weeks there will be a whole lot of new and overwhelming emotions and trials to come our way, but we are so ready for a break and some “normalcy” in our lives.  

So, if you are still reading this and haven’t gotten bored please pray for us.  I know we have had so many prayers and love sent our way but we could use just a bit more.  Pray for the pain and shingles to be gone sooner than later and to help me see the joy in the journey over the flood of our journey, pray for my sweet and ever amazing husband to continue to be able to thrive and succeed at his job that he works so hard in order to provide for us, and pray for our little warrior, Owen James, that he will continue to grow and reach those milestones and pass those tests in order to come home and be right where he belongs.